Extra Strength


by Cathairne Casey-Wagemaker


unsteady legs march towards self-check out 

 (1) raspberry lime Polar Seltzer 

and the largest bottle of extra strength pain reliever one can find. 

the off brand one—cheap enough to buy, big enough to last 

can't get Advil or some shit—too expensive 

still $11.48 and tax 


knees pop—pain reverberates—that shit comes in waves 

like the drops on a rollercoaster  

I desperately want to get off  


I can't do this today 

I have too much to get done 


pop two pills—take two more—for good measure 

got space for six more today! 

press past pain 

emergency stop before overdose 


this is bullshit 

but it's beautiful outside, and I have shit to do 

so, pop two more and cry later. 


told to love my body 

but every step makes me want to launch myself into the god damn sun  



The Tempter

