The Come Down
Nicole Wasylak
Glorious they were, as golden wings aloft
Floating, in a sea of energy I could only call gold.
Because yes, I was alone, but lonely I was not.
And I heaved my wings up and let them
Sails to a boat that would carry me away,
high and drunk off a day I didn’t want to hand over to the night,
and so I coveted it, my secret drenched in gold —
in silver, yes, today, I think I shall call it silver!
Because gold I say too much, and have mentioned aplenty, but silver?
No, the color had never spilled from me before
Yet on a night when I grew wings, it surely did
They were far lighter than I expected —
Like the finest silks in Morocco, pooling beneath my leaden arms
Clinging to my back, ribbons that did not follow a rhythm ---
but crafted one, demanding that I, the body, obey
And so I did —
in the cupboard that was my room,
the stage that was my floor,
and the audience that was whatever ghosts that observed as I spun.
Around and around, a spool of moonlight,
a smile that was as wide as it was real
And no one would be here to witness it.
This final act of my show, the last sentence of a chapter
that would never again write itself anew, and to that I say, well done!
Well done, traveler, for you and I have forgone the need for eyes,
letting our own feet, own smile, own wings carry us to the heavens —
and this time, when we came back, we did not fall, but let our feet find the grass, let our minds quietly seek its own dreams
And what beautiful dreams they were.