The Woods Grave

Nicholas Brown

In the Dark Woods. Toby Hayes (7) is leading Grandma Stella (60s), Martin Hayes (40s), and Allison Hayes (19) to the Woods Grave. Some carry shovels.

  Toby Hayes

Just this way!


Grandma Stella


Children, how could there possibly be… Oh, Allison, it’s not true. Is it?


Allison Hayes

The land’s old, Gran. It’s not hard to believe someone’s buried back here.


 Toby Hayes

There! There!

Toby points to a gravestone marked with a large cross. It’s obvious children have met and played here recently.

 Grandma Stella

Oh, please, Lord, help me.


Martin Hayes

What’s this? Allison, does Toby really play here? You didn’t tell me?


Allison Hayes

We didn’t want to, Dad. What else would we have done?


Martin Hayes

You too?


Allison Hayes

Yeah. It was our secret. All us kids.


Grandma Stella

I hope you’re right about this. Allison,you always are… I just—You wouldn’t do this.


Allison Hayes

I know…


Martin Hayes

There needs to be another way.


Allison Hayes

Not that I know.


Grandma Stella

And what do you know? What’ve you gotten yourself into?


Allison Hayes

I know enough, Gran. But you saw the vision too. It was this grave. And I know they shouldn’t be ignored. They say get the book… We get the book.


Allison begins digging, getting a few scoops of dirt before Grandma Stella stops her.


Grandma Stella

Wait! We don’t want to do this. The land belongs to me, and I say the grave will not be touched again. I’m sorry, Allie.


Allison Hayes

(Looking at shovel)

What other choice do we have? Really?


Grandma Stella

We don’t serve these… Strangers. What reason is there to listen to threats? You’re prouder than that, love!


Martin Hayes

Honey, your grandma’s right. We don’t even know what’s down there.


Toby Hayes

Oh, I do!


Grandma Stella

(Almost Angry)

What! How do you kno—


Allison Hayes

He’s been saying that for years. Don’t—


Toby Hayes

No, I did see them. I promise! I saw the body and the stuff.


Martin Hayes

If they saw you, they could’ve—Listen to me, Toby, you’re too young for this. Come to me with this stuff. Please.


Toby Hayes

I was around and heard it. Dad, I was safe and didn’t get too close, but he was throwing a bunch of stuff in. Papers. Stones.


Grandma Stella

(Very concerned)

But you didn’t see who?


Toby Hayes



Allison Hayes

He’s making it up. The grave’s just something we all… stumbled upon.


Toby Hayes

I did so!


Allison Hayes

No, you didn’t, Toby. Doesn’t matter right now. We need to dig it up… Uncle Quinton would know what to do.


Grandma Stella

We don’t talk about him.


Allison Hayes

No, Grandma, he knew something. He taught me…


Martin Hayes



Allison Hayes

Not much… not enough. Then he, well, you know.


Grandma Stella

It’s best you didn’t learn. It’s dangerous. We’re stuck, but we’ll get out. Not by digging a grave.


Martin Hayes

Whatever Quinton was in and whatever made him run away, it was isolating. In the end, he was hardly family. Don’t become like him, either of you two.


Allison Hayes

And what? We give up? This grave is our only chance. I know that these people aren’t to be messed with. With the book, we may even learn something for once.


Martin Hayes

I… Also agree. But… ugh! I don’t know.

(To Grandma Stella)

Mom, let’s get past this and be safe again.


Toby Hayes

I don’t think we’re safe…


Grandma Stella

You’re safe, baby. Don’t worry.


Allison Hayes

We’re all in on this, Grandma. It’s our only choice.


Toby Hayes

Please, Grandma. Please.


Grandma Stella

We won’t like what we find down there.


Allison Hayes

You want the attacks to continue? The talking behind your back? You want to wake up in the middle of the night with only one thing etched into your thoughts?

(Gestures to the Grave)

That! You can feel it too, can’t you? The eyes?

(To no one in particular or the Woods)

And they obviously know about the grave. So, I don’t know why they don’t just dig it up themselves.

(To Grandma Stella)

I’m ready to commit fully, Grandma. If this is what stops it all. Don’t you trust me?


Grandma Stella

I… Okay. I do.

 Martin and Allison start digging.

 Grandma Stella

This isn’t right… The dead should rest.

The Digging continues silently until. Martin reaches in and pulls out a sturdy journal. Allison takes it from him. Grandma looks into the grave holding her cross.

 Grandma Stella


I’m sorry… Please, Lord, let him rest.


Allison Hayes

(Flipping through the book)

Oh, what this could tell us! We—we won’t be scared anymore.


Grandma Stella

(turns head from grave)

We’re not meddling with this. Allie, it all stops after they take it.


Martin Hayes

Listen to your grandma, Allison.


Allison Hayes



Grandma Stella


By God, my word is final.


Allison Hayes

We should talk about it at least! I love you, Grandma, but going blindly into anything is foolish. This book—what’s in this grave might save us.


Martin Hayes

(To Grandma Stella)

She’s an adult now. Maybe we could talk it over at least?


Toby Hayes

I think we should dig it all!


Grandma Stella

(to Toby)

Toby, we don’t act like that.

(to everyone)

I’m staying away from any of this. It’s… vile.

 Beat while Allison flips through the journal.

  Allison Hayes

The book doesn’t look too full… It’s strange. Why would—

(Beat) (Shock)



Grandma Stella




Martin Hayes

You alright?


Toby Hayes



Allison Hayes

 This… that’s a—did this belong…

(Beat) (To the grave)

Is that Uncle Quinton?


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