Morning Person

Hailey Pierce, “Untitled”

Hailey Pierce, “Untitled”

by Dylan Haughton


Morning time and all is mine,

through glass my uncut grass awaits.

The inside nebula brightly shines


upon my cup of coffee grinds

and rotten thing of eggs — a crate.

Morning time and all is mine:


the good and bad and waiting lines,

where greetings turn to execrate.

Inside the nebula’s shine declines


when light produces waking signs

of business walk and jogging rate.

Morning time and all is mine —


I’m fine

when faces mount to hate;

inside the nebula’s red as wine.


Tonight will bring the swine

to rest; tomorrow will be great.

But only in the morning time

the inside nebula brightly shines.


We Are Celestial Bodies

